to be a lady of the crimson and creme — it’s been a goal for a while. the timing didn’t align in my favor until this year but i feel like it was more than destiny. i crossed the burning sands into delta land during the centennial. my sorority is celebrating 100 years! 100 years! i’m humbled by the weight of it all. the legacy. the history. the vision. and the awesomely amazing twenty-two women who blazed this trail! excuse me while i oo-oop!
i’m a neo and i’m hype and oh so proud. but this week i have been feeling my wheaties! i got my membership card in the mail and there is something about seeing that card from nationals with my name on it that says, yeah, we know you. you’re one of us. now you are a part of history: women’s history, african american history, united states history. excuse me while i oo-oop!

as i get ready for my very first chapter meeting this saturday, i can’t help but be excited. being a woman of delta sigma theta is work. you don’t make it to 100 years without women who put in the work — long hours of casting a vision, planning for the vision and then executing the vision. you don’t make it to 100 years without women who are passionate about education, advocacy and all aspects of development in our community. you don’t make it to 100 years without women who are unafraid to do what has never been done, stand up when others back down and speak up when others are quiet. we are women of distinction. please excuse me while i oo-oop!
delta seeks no one. wise women seek delta. and we’re 250,000+ wise women strong. i always say wisdom is applied knowledge. my knowledge that i am in the greatest sorority on earth (and in every galaxy far, far away) compels me to act! so please excuse me while i oo-oop!

You are a gifted writer and I am proud to call you Sister.