aw, the dawn of a new year. think of all the new possibilities and new opportunities that await. it is the promise of newness that drives people to make new year’s resolutions. i don’t make new year’s resolutions anymore. gave it up a long time ago since i typically gave up on those resolutions shortly after making them. probably like most of you!
but it’s not wise to go through the year without putting thought into where you are starting and where you want to be after 365 days passed. we each have 24 hours in our days, so it would be foolish to waste that time. i personally want to always say i am better today than i was yesterday or last week. but definitely better than last year. because a life without growth or change is an indication of death. plants that don’t yield fruit are dead.
with that in mind, i came up with my three to try, three to learn list. but when i considered the wisdom of yoda, i have since revised my list to three to do and three to learn. why? do or do not, there is no try! yoda is so smart! so each december i consult my heavenly father and pray about my current year and the things my heart desires for the year to come. i check in with him to know what he wants for me. and then i align my desires to his. it’s a process that includes reflection, praise, gratitude and sometimes pain. 2013 kicked my butt. loss upon loss. but there was also growth. god is awesome that way. he doesn’t take things away without providing comfort in another form. he also doesn’t send you into a new year unprepared without a word to guide your journey, especially if you ask. it took a while to get this and it didn’t come during our actual quiet time, but when i saw it on facebook i knew instantly that was what god was saying for me!

so as i prepared to march into 2014 like a boss, i developed my list. i’m sharing because i know there have been a few friends who told me it inspired them. here goes!
Three to Do:
- Run a half marathon (in vancouver, b.c.)
- Take a trip outside the country (europe here i come!)
- Write 50,000 words toward a book (scifi/fantasy/graphic/essay)
Three to Learn:
- Learn how to sew (for making awesome cosplay gear)
- Learn to cook a gourmet 5 course meal
- Learn how to play golf
as you can see, my lists are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. that makes me one smart cookie! hehehe. i’m very excited to see how 2014 unfolds over the next twelve months. i have high expectations for what god will do in and through me, my relationships and my projects. it is my prayer that you spend some time alone with him to get direction for your year. don’t spend another year wandering aimlessly when there is a definite purpose for your life. he knows the plans he has for you, to prosper you and bring you an expected end. but you have to talk to him to get the game plan for your life. it’s worth the investment!
so tell me, what are you doing differently this year? what do you hope to accomplish before 2015 rears its head? comment below!