one of the cool things about living in the pacific northwest is the abundant beauty. you hear me talk about the mountains and the water but you probably never heard me mention the flowers and the rainforest and the waterfalls and the vineyards. this past weekend i ventured north an hour to experience the beauty …
ain’t no stopping sunshine
today was one of those days where gray skies and seattle gloom were abundant. it’s only 10 am and already i’m sad. i’m not someone who suffers from s.a.d.d. but i do love me some sunshine. my skin craves it! on the days when it fails to show up i’m one unhappy camper. because i’m …
friends + dinner + art = the fabric of our lives
spending time with my friends is very important to me. i believe you have to work hard to cultivate relationships and keep them growing deeper and stronger. the seattle winter/early spring climate allows for a lot of friendship cultivation time! that is how i found myself hanging out with my friend shaquita on capitol hill …
i made my very own magnetic makeup board!
people are always asking me what we do when it’s so rainy outside. i seriously think people think the entire city shuts down when the rainy season starts. for us, the rainy season lasts pretty much october to may but who’s keeping track? we get it. you all think it rains all the time in …
no walk in the park … or is it?
the sun made a stellar appearance this past saturday and being winter — and the season of no sun — seattlites went crazy! i personally headed over to green lake to snap some pictures, get in some nature-inspired reflection and mediation and of course walk the trail for a little exercise. as to be expected …
i got sunshine … on shilshoe bay
today was beeeea-u-tiful! i mean the sun was out the air was warm and the emerald city just sparkled! i went to bed super early friday night (9pm!) so i was up and at them bright and early today. i actually watched the sun rise. awesome. honestly, how often do we do that? watch the …
the jewels of artful expression
i fancy myself an artist of sorts. i paint and attempt to draw and make crafty things whenever i feel too stressed to think. art is a release for me in another way that dancing and writing are. i’ve never considered myself particularly talented in visual art but that hasn’t stopped me from buying canvases …
up all night, brunch in the morning
you guys know how much i love me some food. foodie? absolutely. i don’t use clever words to describe food but i don’t really have to. my name is nourisha. i was destined to love food. end of story! and so this post is about food. after a night of drinking and dancing and general …
rules of a creators life – do you accept the challenge?
i did not make this list. i cannot take credit for it. i am consciously deciding to live by it for the next 12 months. i am a creator of things – stories, art, dance, crafts and randomness.
oh the weather outside is frightful … seattle snow
one thing you should know about seattle. we freak the heck out when it snows. we know it’s irrational. we know it makes us look crazy. we know people in other parts of the country make fun of us. we don’t care. we get crazy when it snows. accept it! part of the reason we …