Let’s face it. With all the time we have on our hands in the midst of this pandemic, one of the best things we can do with our time is read. I say this after spending countless hours binge watching the latest series, movie, or reality show available on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO Max …
Technology is no replacement for human touch
The outbreak of the coronavirus, aka COVID-19, aka “The Rona” (I love my people), has led to widespread isolation as we collectively work to stop the spread of the virus. After watching it shut down an entire region in China, I’m not sure why we were not better prepared to deal with its arrival, but …
In New York anything can happen
I recently took a work trip to New York in the middle of January. I know, that sounds like a bad idea. Ironically, it was unseasonably warm in NYC and I was able to enjoy a stroll through Central Park and a night out with arguably the funnest crew ever. This year, I actually purposed …
Hey there 2020, but first see you later 2019!
I wanted to start the new year and new decade off by actually sharing a reflection of the previous year. I realize many people have been doing a deeply retrospective look at their past decade, but I ain’t got time for that. I will say, the past 10 years have been pretty darn eventful. There …
How to successfully plan for 2020
As a Gen Xer who was born in the 70s but came of age in the 80s, preparing for year 2020 has me shook. Shook I tell you! Seriously, how many pop culture moments were based on life in futuristic 2020? We had such high hopes for this year; flying cars, recreational space travel, teleportation …
Let’s go sailing
I don’t know how many times I say this in any given month, but you only get one life. And we have no idea how long that life will be. I’ve told you my plan is to live to be at least 111 like Bilbo Baggins. The epic party to be thrown in my honor …
More than a glow up: project think on these things
I have found myself existing in a very strange space lately. There isn’t much that rattles me. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, I’m a very even keel person. The past few months I have had to be incredibly intentional to not let my emotions control my …
We grown in here: episode 1 of This is 40 podcast
I love podcast. I listen to them every single day of the week. One day I was listening to one of my faves and thought to myself, “self, you can do this. You should start a podcast!” So I took my advice (I give really good advice on most days) and I created the podcast …
My 2019 three to try, three to learn list
I am slightly addicted to learning and my sense of adventure is kind of epic. Knowing that about myself, I decided to flip the script on the annual goal setting ritual and chart my own course. Behold the annual three to try, three to learn list.
Well, hello there 2019
I didn’t do an end of the year recap for 2018 because I was just so glad to see her go.