good-bye is a strange word. it implies that going away is a good thing, completely absent of the realities of the loss that comes with it. sometimes saying good-bye is a good thing. we can all stand to let a few things go (i’m looking at you twinkies!). but mostly, saying good-bye means that something …
getting lost in him as i hiked to lake annette
when i behold the beauty of your many wonders and i’m captivated by your majesty oh my soul rings out a sacred hallelujah back to the source from whence it came a three day weekend is a great chance to reset and refresh, if i do it right. i decided to spend my saturday hiking through …
monday motivational music: always sisters
this week as i thought about what kind of motivation i needed to kick things off right, i couldn’t help but smile. over the last few weeks, i have spent time with, or had the opportunity to celebrate, some of the most amazing women who have done some amazing things. when i think about the …
monday motivational music: black lives matter
a lot has happened since last week’s motivational music selection. for some, it was business as usual. for others, the world turned upside down. well, truthfully, we witnessed another cycle of what passes for normal in a world hell-bent on silencing the black voice, squelching the black rage, shaming the black pain, and breaking the …
i am unable to can
dear ‘merica, good-bye and thanks for all the fish. wait, that’s the wrong letter. my apologies. i will start again. good-bye and thanks for all the opportunities you have provided me and my fellow black brothers and sisters to can’t over the years. really, when you promised access to the american dream, i had no …
if we burn you burn with us
another day, another death, another funeral, another march, another protest, another militarized attack/response, another news cycle calling black people thugs and criminals, another shouting match on social media, another call for peace, another demand to forget and move on, another day in the life of a black american. i am depleted. my blackness is not a …
monday motivational music: star in your own life
i watch dance moms faithfully each week because i love dance. the ladies on this show are entertaining dancers. we’ve all seen maddie rise to fame in her collection of sia videos. it was so cool seeing her move from a competitive dancer to become a professional dancer. but she’s not the reason i tune …
monday motivational music: light the universe
music has magical powers. it can alter your mood in just a matter of minutes. everything from the lyrics to the melodies to the sound of the voice crooning over the track affect how you feel and relate to the world around you. it’s also quite suggestive! when you’re putting together your workout mix, you …
i hear you loud as a bomb
“it’s the moments when you’re left all on your own, and it hits you from out of nowhere. you try to hid it sometimes unsuccessfully, with a smile that fades quickly away.” every now and then i like to take time to reflect on life. it’s a way for me to be still because i’m …
the unholy matrimony of race and religion
i am not an academic or great scholar. i studied communication theory in grad school at a christian university, but no one will accuse me of being an authority on exegising jesus, translating greek and hebrew into something mere mortals can understand, or drawing elaborate parallels between the divine and humanity. i’m not here for that. but …