i like to be prepared for everything. i have an uncanny ability to anticipate what people will need before they make that need known and i meet it. sometimes i know what they need before they even know themselves. i’m not sure when this super power started but i’ve had it for a while. this …
i need you to feel me
we are a country of shouters. the one who shouts loudest, longest wins. wait. that’s not entirely true. you are more likely to win when you have the power to set the perimeters for the shouting – when, where, how, and why. so, to recap, the person who has the power to decide when we can all …
what is the state of our union?
tonight we heard potus deliver yet another state of the union speech. riveting stuff. really. he made a lot of points about the growth of the economy and laid out how important access to education and employment are to the success of all americans living the dream. the dream. this has been the week of …
i love being black
blackness is under constant assault. by definition, it is the absence of light; the opposite of clean (deeply stained with dirt). there are so many negative associations with the word back that we have a love hate relationship with the word, and by extension its connection to our skin. society says it is offensive to whiteness …
deltas do it best
i’m so happy to be celebrating 102 years of sisterhood, scholarship, and service with more than 300,000 sorors around the world today as we recognize the day of our founding. can i just say, we look damn good for 102! in the midst of the chanting, stepping, singing, shouting, duckwalking, fortituding, and eating together as …
changing the things i cannot accept
the new year brings out the optimism in people in ways you would never expect. hey team #newyearnewme! i see you. unlike many people screaming at you to stop declaring things they think will never happen, i say declare as much as you want. first, why does it bother them so much that you want …
this is an “outside your comfort” zone, flex all you want
life has a funny way of happening when you aren’t paying attention. the older you get, the faster time seems to move. if you aren’t careful, you’ll miss life while you’re waiting for things to happen. about a decade ago, i used to make a list of all the things i really wanted to happen …
warning: cloak may cause invisibility
writing is my therapy. over these last few months, with mounting racial tensions, outright displays of hatred, and low-key disbelief that my america has too many throwback moments to yesteryear, i find myself writing daily. multiple times a day. i have to get it out. because if i keep all this pain, anger, and rage …
in honor of sweet baby jesus
you ever have those days when you get all in your feelings and can’t seem to find your way out? that describes me perfectly right now! it started with my older brother posting a poem to my late sister-in-law’s facebook wall. it’s been almost two years but just thinking about her takes me instantly to …
i can’t be super all the time
i want to be a super hero. really badly. did i say really badly? oh, i did. good, because i want to be a super hero really badly. i wish i could fly. i wish i could teleport. i wish i could control weather. i wish i could heal quickly. i wish i could have …